Tuesday, 1 April 2014

How To Share Your Sewing............

.......if you signed up today to become a blog author I wil be e mailing you your 'invitation' in a moment. You click accept on your  email and can log in with your google account if you have one ( for example if you have a gmail email account). If you don't already have a google log in it will prompt you to create one. This is to protect the blog from spam, as you have to 'identify' yourself when you want to log in to post. You don't need to add your full name, you can even invent a sewing name ( is it the name of your first pet and your sewing teachers surname? Or is that something else?!?)...

I digress! Anyway - when you've signed in it will take you to a page that looks like this

This is my page so it has PlainStitch and The Sewing Bee and various other options, but yours should just show The Wendover Sewing Bee. If you click the little orange pen icon you can start your 'post' on the blog. The page will look like this;

You start typing in the white box and when you are happy to post it on the blog you press 'publish'. If you want to 'unpublish' you just press 'draft' to change it, or delete to get rid of it all together.

It's just like word, you can change your font, colours, spellcheck etc using the icons along the top.

What should I write? Anything sewing related that you'd like to share! Work in progress? Inspiration? Introduce yourself and what you like to make? It's totally up to you. Claire and Julia have kindly gone first and so you can read their posts here and here to get the jist.

What shouldn't I write? Remember its a public blog so don't tell us you keep your spare key under that plant pot. Please don't advertise, be kind etc etc....you know the score.

You can add pictures by clicking on the icon that looks like a little Polaroid camera photo (its the 9th in from the right hand side) and uploading them from your computer - the screen will look like this

You just click on 'browse for files' and you can access your own computer files or phone or whatever you might use to find the picture you want.

You can turn a piece of text into a link by highlighting the text and then pressing the 'link' button and copying the web address of the link into it.

It will say your name ( or your sewing name) at the end of the post but not your e mail address or any other identification.

Even if you don't want to write a post to begin with, please do support your Bee friends by commenting on their post, it's really easy to do and makes them feel that they aren't just talking to themselves!

It's great to share with Bee friends when you start or finish a project ( better than a 'that's nice dear'!), and it's lovely for new people to get a feel of who we are and what we do before they come along for the first time.

Be brave and get posting!      debs x ( aka Black Magic Thomas....just in case you were wondering?!?)

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